Special K and I agreed not to find out the sex of the baby. For 10 months (whoever said pregnancy was only 9 months must have been a man...it is definitely 10 months) we referred to L as "It." However, we were almost positive "it" was a boy. So positive, I actually didn't even listen to what the doctor said when L was born! They had to tell me four or five times it was a girl. Obviously, we were way off!
Our ultrasound tech told us about 90% of the patients he sees find out the sex. I thought is would be a little lower because I know so many people who don't find out. Please answer the following poll to see if Keeping it Simple statistics match his.
Did/Will you find out the sex of your baby?
If you are finding out or not, I ran across
this article that details all the gender tests you can try. Could be fun to test their accuracy. I took a few of them when I was pregnant and here were my results:
1) Heart Rate:
2) Sweet tooth:
3) Chinese Birth Chart:
4) Potty Time: Didn't take this one
5) Even and Odd:
6) Key Test: Didn't take this one
7) Complexion:
8) Ring Test: (We used needle and thread)
9) Morning Sickness:
Not bad, 5/7 guessed girl! What about you?
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